
An Oceans Denotation

As I
Stare into the ocean adrift, my mind gets set a drift ,
And this mental shift causes me to think
Contemplating how to link the ocean in correlation with the idiosyncrasies of this life of mine
Though benign and sublime, the ocean possesses a regality and mystique that
Seems to mystify me while demystifying all of the harsh realities that are left once paradise has its shift in paradigm
Whereas my normal life is in a hurry I can set my eyes on the ocean with no worries as the sands of the hourglass remain in still life to my instilled life realizing that this is still….life

Observing the waves and its inference to life’s parabolic instances that gives you a harsh reminder that what comes up, must come down
What obstacles you will face eventually will turn itself around…because life has its way of working itself out
Remaining weary that all waves vary in magnitude
Its longitude intertwining with your latitude will continue to steer life’s compass that encompasses the very essence of your attitude and your ability to stay afloat
It also allows you to ponder that as each wave hits, whether you need a life jacket, flippers or a boat, or if you just wish to drift ashore into an island of mental dexterity whose coordinates are remote

And as the ocean of life continues to wash fragments of yesteryear ashore
Some remain with you through each wave, while others descend on to dry barren land, leaving its legacy to the vile abiotic ecosystem of your life,
Like seashells being found along a coast
Some, maybe most, although small have secreted enough mental carbonate
That what is left is just the utter façade of their former self
Symbolizing how the relationship itself came about
Beginning a journey untrusted and over time slowly chipping away at is shell until it finally came off as they enter the ocean of your life
And while some have grown and have continued its rise through lifes figurative food chain some have forgotten you while not being forgotten
Leaving its shell as a constant reminder of their legacy and that
Any and all interactions are learning and enriching experiences, whose lessons will forever remain even as the tide comes in. 


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