
Social Genocide

A wise man once said that if you cannot find tranquility within yourself, that it is useless to seek it elsewhere...

But where else would people decide to seek tranquility?

We live in the society where whatever is in the streets can be spread in the matter of a retweet

Where you make your everyday decisions based on your peers, and followers...

But if one has a number of followers, but seeks the opinion of what to wear or how to look from them....then who is following who?

We live in a society where all physical interaction has now been exponentially divided and has been replaced by 140 characters
Where "if it ain't on Facebook it ain't official" actually matters to those seeking self efficacy.

So yes...the revolution will not be televised....it will be retweeted, followed, commented. Liked, checked into, twitpiced then deleted...as we let it bypass us because our head is deep into our phones..

While some possess control some are mindless drones that catch heat for a subtweet and making attempts to clown others behind their device...when in all reality if the interaction was physical they wouldn't be about that life.

While most are just providing updates of their life some are actually seeking a husband or a wife and those that are together use their alone time to share with the world that they are.....alone...

In this country of "free" speech, we use social networks as an escape and release and
as a way to please others...
So contrary to what the wise man said, its not that we can't seek tranquility within ourselves,
We just choose not to...sadly we seek and yearn for it...from each other.

So I ask...are social networks equal their net worth?
Are they a gift or a curse?
Have they assisted to unify our people..... or did it make matters worse?


Broken Shell

Her beauty is as such that it embodies the essence of purity
Divinity in motion
And I'm
willing to offer my devotion in order to experience her blessing
While Putting my mind in a constant whirlwind and
while taking this mental tailspin I realize that....I'm entranced.

And I begin to ask myself...

How did this occur?
How did she possess the ability to shine her light through the narrow dimly lit path of my tunnel vision, and speak to me although I was so focused on looking at the negatives, however this time I actually listened

How was she able to find the guy who after all the pain he has been through was able to see past this facade into the eyes of man he once was?

How did she slowly chip away at this shell
a shell that was formed due to years of mistrust, lies and mystified lust...
A shell hardened and solidified over time but showing signs of rust

A shell that...made this man weary of embracing a new novel
when the previous books were only paperback sequels of one another..
Having doubts to prolong before reading the prologue in fear that when the plot thickens, it would all end the same way...her gone and him kicking himself for again allowing his ability of being kind....to be his one true vulnerability.

Even though I ask why, I should ask myself why not because even thru the pains of the previous there is always one adamantine diamond in the rough who will possess the ability to look at your past and ensure you that the future will surely be a present if she was in your presence

And with this i stand
with her hand in hand...with the remnants of my shell all around us I
decide to reuse them because they always say that one mans trash is another mans treasure

And as I look back at the man I used to be I realize that I can start anew
And use the remnants of my past to design the blueprints and the foundation of a blessing and something new....

And for this....I'm grateful


In this game of seeking a partner which game determines your fate?
It's crazy how ones quest for love can be compared to a casino ranging from the triumphs and mistakes.

Always rolling dice you hope not to crap out but at the end you want to get the crap out because you are mentally tapped out, although u thought u had your future mapped out by thinking this was the one....so you went "all in on red" but took a turn for the worst.

Putting too much trust in the dealer, thus turning beginners luck into beginners curse

Even while you decide to take it slow and steady by playing the slot machine of love, each time you unsuccessfully pull the lever of realization, you slowly begin to realize that even then you still find discords in your e-harmony

So you begin to think to yourself that the casino of love is all about luck....

when in actuality it is about beating the odds
proving the dealer you can keep up
Maintaining a straight face proving your ability to bluff while
Keeping your hand to yourself until the time comes when you make your move
...will you raise the stakes or will you fold?....you decide.