
The One Eyed Looking Glass (with kb3socrates)

In this society, material things seem to be taking precedence,
Over things that actually possess value and long term elegance.
While we fight for sneakers, phones and tangible things proven by society to be venomous leading to societal pestilence
Some people out there are being opportunistic and taking advantage of our negligence
They have no choice but to benefit from our voluntary helplessness
While the media provides emphasis by broadcasting evidence of our recklessness
Thinking they are going to deliver magnetic resonance by only exposing the malevolence
Thus insulting our mental dexterity as we castigate its irrelevance

But we need to wake up and show the world that while we are materialistic we ensure the power of eloquence
Even though some choose the path of decadence,
the ones that the media points their cameras at in order to obtain viewers which helps to strengthen their prejudice
And those who get their 5 minutes of fame
singlehandedly artificialize our intelligence in this era of artificial intelligence such that no matter which way they are headed
they are still mentally directionless
by not realizing that they are setting our people back with their ignorance
While we become mystified by superficial and falsified reality of TV shows that we BELIEVE them instead of being incredulous

Destroying your 4th wall perception
Till your neurons no longer have reception
 The walking dead, resident evil in the present
Walking side by side dancing, the devils denizens 
 Prosperity profits and material zealots
Baptized in nihilism and reborn in irreverence 
Sell your dreams, but all you get is arrested developments 
Fresh straight jackets and heavy chains, modesty is blasphemous 

Who's that watching us watching them its big brother, just
Seeing all to give you some perspective in him we trust
So keep your finger off that dial and your eyes wide shut


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