
Destiny and Chaos Collide

There is constantly an option to make
When two paths amalgamate and life takes a break
For a split second, all possessions are one
As destiny and chaos collide once more

When two paths amalgamate and life takes a break
No one will presage to you that it is already too late
To change the path you have taken
As destiny and chaos collide once more

For a split second, all things are one
In that moment, you realize God will not be outdone
This place and time will no longer exist
As destiny and chaos collide once more

No one will warn you it is already too late
The first man and woman preserved your fate
Nothing can stop what was meant to be
As destiny and chaos collide once more

To change the path you have taken
The original spirit must reawaken
To be forsaken was never part of the master plan
As destiny and chaos collide once more

In that moment, you realize God will not be outdone
By now you apprehend that life is not a dry run
No second chances are cast iron
As destiny and chaos collide once more

This place and time will no longer exist
And mankind is summarily dismissed
For failing to exercise discipline and reproof
As destiny and chaos collide once more

The first man and woman sealed your fate
The choice is no longer yours to make
What you do now is fruit of the poisonous tree
As destiny and chaos collide once more

Nothing can stop what was meant to be
Two paths have merged into life’s potpourri
The world is filled with to much hate
As destiny and chaos collide once more

The original spirit must reawaken
Or those waiting for the ecstasy will not be taken
It will all be for not in the end
As destiny and chaos collide once more

To be forsaken was never part of the master plan
The time has come to take a stand
What you do now repeats the past of long ago
As destiny and chaos collide once more

By now you realize that life is not a dry run
What has been will always return
As it was in ancient times, so it will be
As destiny and chaos collide once more

No second chances are guaranteed
No end in sight, no need to proceed
Since all you know will be forgotten
As destiny and chaos collide once more

And mankind is summarily dismissed
Because he labors for vanity
His soul adrift in a sea of confusion
As destiny and chaos collide once more


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