
I won't stand alone

I'm standing up tall
But not to be brash or arrogant
But to issue a challenge
To those independant women out there

Will all the good women....please stand up?

If you are a real women then you know where I'm coming from
When I tell you that I am not the one..
I am not the one to spend money on you
Buy you those designer shoes
So you can walk and hold the hand of another dude
While I am at home calling your cell like a damn fool

Please stand up
Those real women who are not influenced by Destiny's Child
Those women who want to stay at home to chill instead of going to the club and acting wild
And even if you DO go to the club, you keep a low profile, instead of wearing a hoes uniform
trying to hustle me out of a drink with a little ass shake and a smile

Please stand up
Because these songs have gotten be to believe that you are all dead
Can't even give you a simple compliment without it going straight to your already big head
And I cannot have a conversation with you without it leading to the bed....I dont mind, but sometimes its cool to be deep and intellectual but your,
too busy paying attention to the shoes on my feet instead of the words I just said

Please stand up
Because these songs have gotten you to believe that you NEED a
Timberland wearing, du rag having, pistol packing, pants low to the ground, cant pay the rent but can buy the new Js, car stop but the wheels spin the other way, living at home with his mother ass brother.

Please stand up
If you can comprehend that I am a brother thats able
To keep a job, pay my phone, lights and cable
remain financially stable and still put off on the table, because you know I can throw down

Please stand up
If you are not going to spit game
Wait for me to trick out change
While believing that niggas aint shit and we are all the same
And love is the only thing that you are trying to gain

Please stand up
If you can go through the hardship of a relationship
Instead of skipping out like a....

Please stand up
If a good man is somnething you can value
If you are a woman that always stay true
Who doesnt listen to their single friends but focuses on whats best for you
Then this poem is talking about you

Please stand up
Because this is the WOMAN that I wish to pursue

All to all you other GIRLS...who are in their own little world...remain seated


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