


Is a beautiful black woman who knows what she wants out of life

A beautiful head upon positive shoulders

A sister, friend, aunt and inevitably…a wife

That is what she is


Is constantly physically and even metaphorically portrayed as a,

Scantily clad façade of pride who is only appreciated more, when she takes off less

When approached my men, she knows they are thinking about how she looks under that dress

Because of her coke bottle figure and her perky breasts

Under constant duress because the media made her this way

Made her to feel as if she isn’t a person, but an object

Because of porn videos, music videos and reality TV.

And to her dismay whatever reputation she has established,

Would demolish at the mere sound of “make it rain trick"


Is constantly reminded that she is not beautiful

Because every ad, tv show, movie, and magazine portrays what society considers beauty

Has truly taken away from the true denotation of the word

Sex sells and those with a nice body, make the most commission

So it is her mission to get like those women on TV

…But it isn’t what she….looks like

So she starts dieting, and working out,

Wearing make- up and changing her wardrobe,

because of what the media has etched in her head…

Wearing lip gloss and eye liner to bed, JUST so she can look good in the morning

She isn’t she….anymore


Is now a mere shadow of what she used to be

She… has allowed herself to fall victim to the “Barbie”, Top Model and “Maybe it’s Maybelline” America

She...would now rather listen and pay more attention to Nicki Minaj, than Nikki Giovanni

Now a pawn in life’s game of chess and the mover of the pieces is society

She…has now taken on a new identity to conform to the “formalities” that the media has deemed “current”

She…has forgotten where she has come from

And although her parents brought her up right…even she….couldn’t escape…..



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